On days like today you drive to work, headlights-on in the near-dark pouring rain and immediately immerse yourself in an orgy of customer complaints, record-level mail-order-processing, humungous amounts of goods-in, behind-with-the accounts stuff, a really unnecessary order for urgent maritime books for Cyprus and then (hours later) you look out of the window and realise that … it’s all blue skies and sunshine outside; people are doing happy things like playing golf or walking the South Downs Way; enjoying a lingering lunch at one of those nice-but-expensive South of England pubs, all that sort of stuff. Then…much later…you drive home in the dark and the pouring rain…
Work is sometimes a four-letter-word. But it could be worse (says he Candide-style). The writer could be trying to rant about the Tory conference. Hearing Ms Widdicombe on the radio this morning (and Stephen Norris last evening), one realises that we already have a conservative government and that Mr Howard’s lot have nothing particular to add.
Mr Blair’s lot are about the least “extreme” form of government that one could hope for. Okay, they are townies and spend too much money trying to improve the “right” things like health, education, transport, etc., with too much bureaucracy and too little action. But would any sane person really prefer to replace them with Ann Widdicombe, Stephen Norris and people like that. Hell, I’d hate to have the Soames-man leading the way in Iraq; far better the useless Hoon and Jack-whatever the Foreign Secretary who turns unmemorability into an art form.
You are fortunate, dear reader, that the writer hasn’t yet got his mind around UKIP!
A ranter like myself cannot bring himself to vote Tory, or anyone-else for that matter. Time, perhaps, to give up bookselling and to enter politics…the “Ranting Party” is formed.
PS to copy editors: There are two semi-colons in this piece, so he’s getting better. But what about all those “…” things. Interestingly (or incredibly boringly if you don’t like trivia), Microsoft Word’s edit-find feature will find semi-colons, but not “…” things.