We all have them. Some of us more than others:
My younger brother boils eggs in a kettle. I (in the company of friends) teased him the other evening about this absurd practice and he retorted that it wasn’t as bad as all that, “it’s a new kettle!”. I’m still trying to work that one out.
The wife’s sister enjoys “the element of surprise”, like turning up when you least expect her. This afternoon my little company was struggling away, trying to turn an honest dollar, when who should appear, not at the door, but rather as an apparition at the window…
The older brother would say that it not he who is eccentric, but rather his travel agent. Off he goes to attend some celebration at his old university (McGill in Montreal) and what happens – he gets endlessly delayed by immigration officials at Washington DC (“excuse me Sir, but are you aware that this is the USA, not Canada…there are perfectly good flights to Montreal directly from London…do you wish to do harm to our President?”).
I won’t mention the daughter who knows she is “next up”. She reads this blog a little too avidly (an eccentricity in its own right).
Neither will I mention the daughter-in-law’s “christening” trousers. Abercrombie and Finch they were not (nor even Land Rover Owners Club official gear).
Oh dear! Too many people insulted…too little time!