The diet continues and amongst the ups and downs I can report the loss of the first stone. The wife is convinced that most of my weight loss is mammarial but I reckon that one of my several chins is looking a bit depleted.
Somewhat astonishingly the main pillars of the regime are still intact – no bread, no potatoes, no alcohol, and (more astonishingly) no Cheeselets, Twiglets, crisps, Roka cheese whatevers, etc, etc.
The wife is also participating and the only really sinful indulgence continues to be our regular intake of liquorice allsorts each evening.
Still, it won’t last!
I’m also rather ashamed to report inaccurate information was imparted in my “More Good Intentions” blog when I gave my starting weight. The scales we use have been checked against some more serious equipment at the local health centre. It is reckoned that our weight has been understated by about 2.5 pounds. Ah well, I’m walking more than ever before and looking forward to getting back to France and la bicyclette.
While we're on the subject of walking the wife has presented me with a Valentine's Day gift of a very small pedometer to attach to my belt. As well as measuring the miles (or kilometres) I walk at any time, the gadget also serves as a clock, a stopwatch, a heart-rate monitor, a step counter and a pulse counter. With all this going on it is hardly surprising that neither of us can get the thing to work - even though we endeavoured to input my weight, my "stride distance" and the time (selecting 24-hour clock or am/pm). At first the darned thing reckoned that whenever I took a step forward it would reset itself to zero (including my weight, my "stride distance" and the time). Now the darned thing seems to have jammed on 3,179 paces and won't budge at all. Anyway it is not for me to be ungrateful for such a thoughtful present, but I hope the small pot of roses that I reciprocally gave to the wife doesn't cause so much trouble.