Sunday, September 04, 2005

Good Intentions

Well I thought that I’d figured out a strategy for Success in Life. All you need is to have the following four elements firmly in place and you should have it made:

The “Master Plan”

Whether for your personal life or for your business life, a “statement of intent” or “Master Plan” covering the next couple of years or so is an absolute necessity.

“Plan B”

We all know that “Master Plans” rarely succeed. So it is pretty much essential to have your fallback plan (also covering the next couple of years) ready for immediate implementation.


The best laid plans of mice and men…yea, even if your plans leave nothing to chance, then the ceiling will fall in, or you’ll be run over by a bus. All plans need luck and good fortune in some measure and you are unlikely to get much assistance in this regard if you don’t allow for it. So take the odd risk, and buy the odd lottery ticket.

The “Exit Strategy”

Not all plans work, and not everyone has luck on their side. Everyone should have a last-resort fallback plan which can take effect if the “Master Plan” and “Plan B” fail to work out and Luck does not materialise. If all else fails….

The only flaw in this brilliant grand design for life is that it doesn’t always work. My business and I have tried them all and I am left wondering “what comes after the exit strategy?”