Friday, July 22, 2005

A Few Words on Blogging

Having mowed the lawn this evening I was sweating like a good’un and, accordingly, retired to a pre-supper Radox bath. Zzzzzz! Radio 4 was broadcasting a David Dimbleby Any Questions programme and on the panel was a certain Lynne Featherstone MP who is (as you well know) the Liberal Democrat spokesperson on Home Affairs. I would have happily continued with my zzzzz’ing but Dimbleby introduced her as a great “blogger”. And she is. Have a look at and you get an insight into how a politician turns blogging into a minor art form. Lynne also has a comprehensive website to cover the more mundane aspects of being an aspiring Liberal Democrat MP at Heaven forbid that ever tries to get its wheels off the ground.

But while blogs should be open diaries – letting the world know how you feel about just about anything – can also be dangerous. Take the example of an erstwhile work colleague, Chris H, for several years head of publicity at Secker & Warburg. Chris went to the USA and got a decent job as reviews editor with a celebrated online bookseller in Seattle, who we might call for the sake of cautiousness However Chris also became a blogger par excellence (you can see his work at but one day he overstepped himself and said something disparaging about his employers. He was fired. And his blog suggests that his experience is but one of many and links indirectly to a cautionary BBC news report on

Anyway I’m getting tired of all these links. I’m now ready to say some very rude things about my employers and, with any luck, will end up firing myself.

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