Well, I've been busy!
Over the last six weeks I have physically moved my business down the corridor (better view, you see), done a fairly major show (Mac Expo in Islington), done some recruiting, some visits to France, but mainly have had to provide daily cover for the running of the business and a thousand other things.
Exhausting, really, for a decrepit 58-year-old (albeit with a lot of help from his even-older missus).
So, to the ranting bit: -
Public Service isn't what it used to be. My parents always told me that the way to succeed in life was to become a "professional"; a lawyer maybe, or an accountant, or a Doctor, or suchlike.
I never did.
But if I was asked by one of my grandchildren "What shall I do with my life, Grandpa Nappa?", I'd be tempted to point them towards Parliament. Britain now has over 1,000 MPs (including the "euros" and the increasing numbers of "regionals". Backing these guys (who currently receive princely rewards) are legions of Civil Servants, and the financial rewards for producing copious amounts of ever-futile and unnecessary over-legislation are becoming seriously envy-making.
Roll on the Revolution!
Which of course it can't. Because too many potential revolutionaries are already in the pay of the State. And so on. And so on.